There are many activities that can be conducted by ad interim CXOs and co-actors. Our intention in this article is not to write down an extensive list of possible actions, organize them in categories and offer you a “menu” to choose from. We believe that each company case is different and need a personalized approach. We prefer to have specific discussion with you to decide together what makes sense for any particular challenge and be then very specific about the deliverables.
This being said we think that it may be relevant to formulate some insight about what kind of contribution can be expected and, so to say, give some answers on the “What’s in it for me” from the client’s perspective. The basic statement is that on-demand executives contributions give access to the right resources (skills and experiences) at the right time for the right duration.
As illustrations we can mention:
- Get the flexibility of “hire and fire” without the morale down collateral damage in your organization
- Basically they are “plug & play” executives with implementation capabilities and no long introduction needed
- High caliber education (MBAs, PhDs, Masters) AND executive experience (all ex- or current CXOs)
- Cost competitiveness: Get your talent(s) for the time needed, not for years in your pay roll (Variable cost)
- Possibility for lower cost prototyping of organizational design without long term commitment
- No motivation dilemma from own employees such as “Is it good for my career or good for the company?”
- Unbiased perspectives (no politics) & challenging sparring partners (You may want to double check if your team is open to take the challenge on)
To put these (and a few more) in perspective we plug the on-demand executives’ contributions in a basic business life cycle graph. Hopefully this design helps catching the idea better than a long text. If you have questions, we would be delighted to elaborate on our possible contributions to your business: